Presented January 20, 2021- Presentation Slides




SVEET2 is an updated spreadsheet software for estimating contaminant concentrations in groundwater and soil gas that are caused by a vadose zone contaminant source. The software has a rigorous underlying basis in STOMP numerical model simulations for a generalized conceptual model and covers a set of parameters and contaminants that are relevant to a wider variety of sites than SVEET version 1.0. In this ESTCP project, 5760 numerical simulations were conducted to provide expanded parameter ranges for the site description.  A software demonstration was conducted for the purpose of model verification and getting user feedback about software applicability.  SVEET2 was able to provide reasonable groundwater concentration estimates for a range of contaminants encountered at DoD field sites.  Applicability and usability of the software is good, based on the range of sites that can be represented, feedback from users, and the indented use of the software.  Given typical annual operation costs of $50-200K, potential cost savings could reach to millions of dollars, even for application of the SVEET2 software at a small percentage of DoD sites.  This webinar presentation discussed the updated SVEET2 to convey the basis, the software interface, and application of the software to support remedial decisions.


Speaker Biographies
Dr. Jovan Popovic

Dr. Jovan Popovic is an environmental engineer at the Naval Facilities Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare Center (NAVFAC EXWC) in Port Hueneme, CA. At EXWC, Jovan has been involved with a variety of environmental restoration projects, covering topics including PFAS treatment technology development, 1,4-dioxane treatment, as well as attenuation of petroleum hydrocarbons, munitions constituents, and PFAS. Prior to joining EXWC, Jovan completed his postdoctoral training at University of Minnesota’s BioTechnology institute where he performed research on understanding electron transfer interactions between electrogenic microorganisms and pyrogenic carbon, developing pyrogenic carbon-based biosorbents with immobilized sulfate reducing bacteria for the treatment of heavy metals in mining-impacted waters, and developing cathodic denitrification systems for nitrogen removal in agricultural runoff. Jovan completed his Ph.D. at Clemson University in 2015, where his primary research focus areas were aligned with the application of electron-cycling strategies to enhance wild-type microbial metabolism and discovering novel microbes for the bioremediation and bioprocess industries. Jovan received a B.S. in Molecular and Cellular Biology from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2009.



Mr. Chris Johnson

Mr. Chris Johnson is a senior development engineer at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland, WA, where he has been involved with environmental restoration/remediation technology research and development since 1992.  He has designed and implemented ex situ and in situ bioremediation systems for treatment of hydrocarbons and chlorinated solvents at U.S. DoE, U.S. DoD, and private industry sites.  Chris is a developer of the multi-species reactive transport simulation RT3D software and has applied MODFLOW/MODPATH/RT3D groundwater flow and reactive transport modelling for active remediation system design and monitored natural attenuation evaluation. He is also a developer for, among other tools, the SOCRATES web-based suite for analysis of water level, contaminant plume, and remediation system data, the STAYSL PNNL neutron dosimetry software, and the ICP-OES data reduction tool (DRT) for analytical data analysis. Chris has also co-authored guidance documents for assessing when a soil vapor extraction (SVE) remedy or pump-and-treat remedy should be closed, optimized, or transitioned to a new remedy, and he is a developer of the SVEET software for assessing the impact of remaining vadose zone source material on groundwater or vapor intrusion. 



Dr. Katie Muller

Dr. Katie Muller is staff scientist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland, WA. Katie’s current research focuses on experimental and contaminant fate and transport modeling to understand, predict, and inform subsurface remediation. Katie’s past research has included investigations into mercury remediation, emerging contaminant fate and transport, and use of oil-in-water emulsions for in situ amendment delivery.  She earned her Ph.D. from Tufts University in Environmental and Water Resource Engineering, and completed her postdoctoral research in the Environmental Sciences Directorate at Oak Ridge National Lab.



Mr. David Becker

Mr. David Becker is a geologist with the Environmental and Munitions Center of Expertise (EM CX) of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) in Omaha, Nebraska. Since coming to the EM CX in 1991, Dave has been involved with providing technical consultation, teaching, review of environmental restoration-related documents, and preparation of guidance relevant to in-situ remediation, field studies, and optimization. Before coming to the EMCX in 1991, Dave was Chief, Geology Section at the USACE Omaha District between March 1989 and December 1990. For more than five years prior to becoming a supervisor, Dave was a project geologist in Omaha District actively involved in many environmental restoration projects. Dave has participated in or led more than more than 65 optimization studies of active remedies and monitoring programs for USACE FUDS, EPA, Air Force, DoE, NASA, and the Navy projects. Dave earned a B.S. in Geology from the University of Nebraska at Omaha in 1981 and a M.S. in Geophysics from Southern Methodist University in 1985. He is a registered P.G. in Nebraska and was a past member and chairman of the Nebraska Board of Geologists.  For over 20 years, Dave has been an adjunct professor at the University of Nebraska at Omaha where he teaches hydrogeology, environmental geology, and geophysics.