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Projects Listed Chronologically by Number

ER-200825: In Situ Wetland Restoration Demonstration (Principal Investigator: Nancy Ruiz)

Final Proposal (August 2007)

Demonstration Plan (November 2009)

Equilibrium Partitioning Calculation (July 2009)

IPR Comments (November 2010)

Framework Guidance Manual (October 2009)

IPR Presentation (November 2011)

Treatability Study Report (October 2009)


IPR Presentation Slide 12 Movie

IPR Presentation Slide 13 Movie

IPR Presentation Slide 14 Movie

ER-200828: Field Demonstration of Propane Biosparging for In Situ Remediation of NDMA in Groundwater (Principal Investigator: Paul Hatzinger)

Final Proposal (December 2007)

Demonstration Plan (May 2011)

Treatability Study Report (September 2010)

IPR Comments (February 2012)


IPR Presentation (November 2012)

ER-200829: Treatment of NDMA in Groundwater Using a Fluidized Bed Bioreactor (Principal Investigator: Paul Hatzinger)

Final Proposal (November 2007)

Demonstration Plan (July 2010)

Treatability Study Report (October 2009)

IPR Comments (February 2012)


IPR Presentation (November 2012)

ER-200835: Evaluating the Efficacy of a Low-Impact Delivery System for In Situ Treatment of Sediments Contaminated with Methylmercury and Other Hydrophobic Chemicals (Principal Investigator: Charles Menzie)

Final Proposal (August 2007)

Demonstration Plan (October 2009)

Treatability Study Report (October 2009)

IPR Comments (November 2010)


IPR Presentation (November 2011)

IPR Presentation Slide 17 Movie

IPR Presentation Slide 18 Movie

ER-200913: Enhanced Amendment Delivery to Low Permeability Zones for Chlorinated Solvent Source Area Bioremediation (Principal Investigator: Chuck Newell)

Final Proposal (December 2008)

Demonstration Plan (June 2010)

White Paper - Revised Technical Approach (October 2010)

Options for Path Forward for Field Investigation (Oct 2011)

Proposal for Supplemental Funding (July 2012)

Demonstration Plan Addendum (August 2013)

Response to Comments on Dem Plan Addendum (August 2013)


IPR Presentation (November 2013)

ER-200914: Parallel In Situ Screening of Remediation Strategies for Improved Decision Making, Remedial Design, and Cost Savings (Principal Investigator: Rolf Halden)

Final Proposal (December 2008)

Demonstration Plan Addendum - Air Force Plant 44 (December 2010)

Demonstration Plan (August 2010)

IPR Comments (November 2010)

Demonstration Plan Addendum - NAS North Island (December 2010)

IPR Presentation (November 2011)


ER-200915: Passive PE Sampling in Support of In Situ Remediation of Contaminated Sediments (Principal Investigator: Phil Gschwend)

Final Proposal (December 2008)

Project QPRs

SOP for PED Deployment (December 2012)

SOP for PED Preparation (December 2012)

SOP for PE Sample/Extraction Analysis (December 2012)

PRC Calculation Software Zip File (October 2013)

IPR Presentation (November 2013)


ER-200917: Improvement, Verification, and Refinement of Spatially Explicit Exposure Models in Risk Assessment (Principal Investigator: Mark Johnson)

Final Proposal (Dec 2008

Demonstration Plan and Response to Comments on Demonstration Plan (December 2010)


IPR Comments (November 2010)

IPR Presentation (November 2011)

ER-200918: Demonstration of the Attributes of Multi-increment Sampling and Proper Sample Processing Protocols for the Characterization of Metals on DoD Facilities (Principal Investigator: Jay Clausen)

Final Proposal (December 2008)

Demonstration Plan (May 2011)

Revised Statement of Work (August 2010)

Demonstration Plan Addendum (New Site Description) (August 2011)

Task 1 Summary Report (September 2011)

IPR Comments (February 2011)

IPR Presentation (November 2011)

ER-200919: Demonstration of an In-Situ Friction-Sound Probe for Mapping Particle Size at Contaminated Sediment Sites (Principal Investigator: Bart Chadwick)

Final Proposal (November 2008)

Demonstration Plan (February 2011)

November 2010 IPR Action Item White Paper (Probe Response Correlation) (March 2011)

IPR Comments (November 2010)

IPR Presentation (November 2011)

ER-200920: Modified Biopolymers as an Alternative to Petroleum-based Polymers for Soil Modification (Principal Investigator: Steven Larson)

Final Proposal (January 2009)

Demonstration Plan (Tasks 2,3,&4) (September 2011)

Treatability Study Report (Unbermed SAFRs) (February 2011)

Treatability Study Report (OBOD Fugitive Dust) (January 2011)

Treatability Study Report (Bermed SAFRs) (January 2011)

IPR Comments (November 2010)

IPR Presentation (November 2011)

ER-200933: Renewable Energy Production from DoD Installation Solid Wastes by Anaerobic Design (Principal Investigator: David Parry)

Final Proposal (June 2009)

IPR Comments (November 2010)

White Paper - Economic Benefit of Technology (January 2011)

White Paper on DoD Waste Streams (February 2011)

Treatability Study Report (May 2011)

Response to Comments on Treatability Study Report (September 2011)

Demonstration Plan (August 2011)

Response to Comments on Dem Plan (August 2011)

QPR (April 2014)

IPR Comments (November 2013)

IPR Presentation (May 2014)

ER-201020: Water Conservation: Tertiary Treatment and Recycling of Waster Water (Principal Investigator: Sonny Maga)

Final Proposal (August 2009)

Demonstration Plan V3 (October 2011)

IPR Comments (November 2011)

November 2011 IPR Action Item White Paper V2 (May 2012)

IPR Presentation (February 2013)

ER-201025: Use of Compound-Specific Stable Isotope Analysis to Distinguish Between Vapor Intrusion and Indoor Sources of VOC’s (Principal Investigator: Thomas McHugh)

Final Proposal

Lab Validation Report (January 2012)

Task 2 Report (May 2012)

Demonstration Plan (June 2012)

IPR Presentation (201025/201119 Combined) (November 2012)

ER-201026: Incorporating Aerobic Processes into Remedies for Large Chlorinated Solvent Plumes (Principal Investigator: Brian Looney)

Final Proposal (August 2009)

Demonstration Plan (September 2012)

IPR Comments (February 2012)

IPR Presentation (November 2012)

ER-201027: Enhanced Attenuation of Unsaturated Chlorinated Solvent Source Zones Using Direct Hydrogen Delivery (Principal Investigator: Charles Newell)

Final Proposal (January 2010)

Demonstration Plan (January 2011)

Lab Study for Hydrogen Vadose (Additional Work) (Jan 2011)

IPR Comments (February 2011)

IPR Presentation (November 2011)

ER-201028: Passive Biobarrier for Treating Comingled Perchlorate and RDX in Groundwater at an Active Range (Principal Investigator: Paul Hatzinger)

Final Proposal (November 2009)

Treatability Study Report (March 2012)

Demonstration Plan (May 2012)

Action Item Response (December 2011)

IPR Comments (February 2014)


IPR Presentation (February 2016)

ER-201029: Integrated Stable Isotope-Reactive Transport Model Approach for Assessment of Chlorinated Solvent Degradation (Principal Investigator: Paul Philp)

Final Proposal (August 2009)

Demonstration Plan (November 2011)

IPR Comments (November 2011)

User's Manual (May 2012)


IPR Presentation (February 2016)

ER-201030: Validation of a Novel Bioassay for Low-level Perchlorate Determination (Principal Investigator: John Coates)

Final Proposal (August 2009)

Demonstration Plan (July 2011)

IPR Comments (February 2011)

IPR Presentation (November 2011)

ER-201031: Evaluation of Resuspension from Propeller Wash in DoD Harbors (Principal Investigator: Pei-Fang Wang)

Final Proposal (January 2010)

Demonstration Plan (June 2011)

IPR Presentation (February 2013)

Video 1 ("100m_50RPM_usv120719-009")

Video 2 (Propwash 2012 Pearl Harbor, "Bravo")

Video 3 ("ddg51_5kt_33ft_shear")

Video 4 ("ddg51_5kt_33ft_vel")

White Paper - Fate and Transport (May 2013)

Project Update Presentation (September 2013)

ER-201032: Determining Source Attenuation History to Support Closure by Natural Attenuation (Principal Investigator: Charles Newell)

Final Proposal (August 2009)

Demonstration Plan (March 2011)

Response to Comments on Demonstration Plan (June 2011)

IPR Presentation (February 2013)

ER-201033: Solar Powered Remediation and pH Control (Principal Investigator: David Lippincott)

Final Proposal (November 2010)

Demonstration Plan (May 2011)

IPR Presentation (February 2016)

Response to Comments on Demonstration Plan (August 2011)


ER-201118: Demonstration of a Fractured Rock Geophysical Toolbox (FRGT) for Characterization and Monitoring of DNAPL Biodegradation in Fractured Rock Aquifers (Principal Investigator: Lee Slater)

Final Proposal

Demonstration Plan (October 2011)

IPR Presentation (November 2012)

ER-201119: Use of On-Site GC/MS Analysis to Distinguish between Vapor Intrusion and Indoor Sources of VOCs (Principal Investigator: Thomas McHugh)

Final Proposal (November 2010)

IPR Comments (February 2012)

Standardized Protocol for On-Site Evaluation of Vapor Intrusion (June 2012)

Demonstration Plan (June 2012)

Bench Scale Validation Study Report (August 2012)

IPR Presentation (201025/201119 Combined) (November 2012)

ER-201120: Development of an Expanded, High-Reliability Cost and Performance Database for In-Situ Remediation Technologies (Principal Investigator: Travis McGuire)

Final Proposal (November 2010)

Site Selection Memo (November 2012)

IPR Presentation (May 2013)

ER-201121: Direct Push Optical Screening Tool for High Resolution, Real Time Mapping of Chlorinated Solvent DNAPL Architecture (Principal Investigator: Murray Einarson)

Final Proposal (November 2010)

Demonstration Plan (September 2013)

Response to Comments on Dem Plan (September 2013)

IPR Presentation (May 2014)

ER-201122: Cost-Effective, Ultra-Sensitive Groundwater Monitoring for Site Remediation and Management (Principal Investigator: Rolf Halden)

Final Proposal (November 2010)

Demonstration Plan (July 2012)

Response to Comments on Demonstration Plan (July 2012)

SOP (May 2013)

Demonstration Plan Addendum (May 2013)

Comments on SOP (July 2013)

IPR Comments (November 2013)

Site 2 Demonstration Plan Addendum (December 2013)

IPR Presentation (November 2014)

ER-201123: Generation of Biodegradation-Sorption Barriers for Munitions Constituents (Principal Investigator: Bob Borden)

Final Proposal (November 2010)

IPR Comments (February 2012)

Task 1 Treatability Work Plan (May 2011)

Response to Comments on Task 1 Work Plan (November 2011)

ATK Site Report (August 2011)

QPR (October 2013)

Tasks 2 & 3 Workplan (April 2012)

Demonstration Plan (January 2013)

IPR Comments (May 2013)

White Paper - Task 1 Results (July 2013)

QPR (January 2014)

Project Update (February 2014)

Proposed MNA Plan (October 2014)

IPR Presentation (May 2014)

IPR Presentation (April 2015)

ER-201124: In Situ Biogeochemical Transformation of Chlorinated Solvents (Principal Investigator: Pat Evans)

Final Proposal (November 2010)

IPR Comments (February 2012)

Proposal Memo (November 2010)

IPR Comments (Fall 2012)

White Paper - Scope of Work for Nike Site (January 2013)

Demonstration Plan (June 2013)

Response to Comments on Demonstration Plan (June 2013)

White Paper - Scope Options (January 2015)

IPR Presentation (February 2015)

ER-201125: Use Of Mass-Flux Measurement And Vapor-Phase Tomography To Quantify Vadose-Zone Source Strength And Distribution (Principal Investigator: Jon Mainhagu)

Final Proposal (November 2010)

Demonstration Plan (November 2011)

Response to Comments on Dem Plan (November 2011)

IPR Comments (November 2013)

Site Selection Memo (April 2014)

Vapor Intrusion Estimation Toolkit (June 2014)

VIET User's Guide

Comments on VIET and User's Guide (August 2014)

IPR Presentation (November 2014)

ER-201126: Decision Support System for Matrix Diffusion Modeling (Principal Investigator: Charles Newell)

Final Proposal (November 2010)

Matrix Diffusion Toolkit - Milestone 3

IPR Presentation (February 2012)

ER-201127: Quantifying Life-cycle Environmental Footprints of Soil and Groundwater Remedies (Principal Investigator: Tanwir Chaudhry)

Final Proposal (November 2010)

Demonstration Plan (January 2012)

IPR Presentation (February 2012)

ER-201128: Microelectrode Observatory for In Situ Monitoring of Metals Concentration and Mobility in Contaminated Sediments (Principal Investigator: Nancy Ruiz)

Final Proposal (August 2010)

Demonstration Plan (November 2011)

IPR Comments (February 2012)

IPR Comments (February 2012)

IPR Presentation (November 2012)

ER-201129: Development and Validation of a Quantitative Framework and Management Expectation Tool for the Selection of Bioremediation Approaches (Monitored Natural Attenuation [MNA], Biostimulation and/or Bioaugmentation) at Chlorinated Solvent Sites (Principal Investigator: Carmen Lebrón)

Final Proposal (August 2010)

IPR Comments (May 2012)

IPR Presentation (May 2013)

ER-201130: Demonstration and Commercialization of the Sediment Ecosystem Assessment Protocol (SEAP) (Principal Investigator: Gunther Rosen)

Final Proposal (November 2010)

Demonstration Plan (July 2012)

Response to Comments on Dem Plan (July 2012)

IPR Comments (November 2012)

IPR Presentation (November 2013)

ER-201131: Demonstration of In Situ Treatment with Reactive Amendments for Contaminated Sediments in Active DoD Harbors (Principal Investigator: Bart Chadwick)

Final Proposal (November 2010)

Lab Amendment Treatability Studies Task 1 Go/No Go Decision Point White Paper (January 2012)

Carbon Monitoring Cost Spreadsheet (April 2012)

Demonstration Plan (June 2012)

Response to Comments on Demonstration Plan (June 2012)

Sediment Review Panel Presentation (February 2013)

Project Poster (February 2013)

IPR Comments (November 2013)

Interim Report (June 2013)

IPR Presentation (November 2014)

ER-201207: Bioaugmentation for Aerobic Bioremediation of RDX-Contaminated Groundwater (Principal Investigator: Mandy Michalsen)

Final Proposal (November 2011)

Phase I Treatability Study Report (May 2013)

Demonstration Plan (July 2013)

Response to Comments on Dem Plan (July 2013)

IPR Comments (November 2013)

Phase II Memo (December 2013)

Project QPRs

IPR Presentation (November 2014)

ER-201208: Validation of Stable Isotope Ratio Analysis to Document the Biodegradation and Natural Attenuation of RDX (Principal Investigator: Paul Hatzinger)

Final Proposal (November 2011)

IPR Comments (February 2013)

Demonstration Plan (April 2014)

Demonstration Plan (July 2014)

IPR Presentation (May 2014)

IPR Presentation (April 2015)

ER-201209: Methods for Minimization and Management of Variability in Long-Term Groundwater Monitoring Results (Principal Investigator: Thomas McHugh)

Final Proposal (November 2011)

Demonstration Plan (July 2013)

Response to Comments on Dem Plan (July 2013)

IPR Comments (November 2013)

Monitoring Frequency Optimization Toolkit (October 2014)

MFO Toolkit User's Guide (July 2014)

Task 2 Report (October 2014)

Response to Comments on Task 2 Report (October 2014)

IPR Presentation (November 2014)

ER-201210: Designing, Assessing, and Demonstrating Sustainable bioaugmentation for Treatment of DNAPL Sources in Fractured Bedrock (Principal Investigator: Charles Schaefer)

Final Proposal (October 2011)

Project QPRs

Treatability Study Report (June 2013)

Site Selection Memo (October 2012)

Response to Comments on Demonstration Plan (November 2013)

Demonstration Plan (November 2013)

IPR Comments (February 2014)

Technical Memo on PCE Concentrations (August 2014)

IPR Presentation (February 2016)


Interim Report (May 2016)

IPR Presentation (November 2016)

ER-201211: Frequently Asked Questions about Monitored Natural Attenuation in the 21st Century (Principal Investigator: Charles Newell)

Final Proposal (October 2011)

IPR Presentation (November 2012)

ER-201212: Cost-Effective and High-Resolution Subsurface Characterization Using Hydraulic Tomography (Principal Investigator: Chin Man "Bill" Mok)

Final Proposal (November 2011)

IPR Comments (February 2013)

Demonstration Plan (May 2013)

Response to Comments on Demonstration Plan (May 2013)

IPR Comments (November 2013)

Demonstration Plan Addendum (January 2014)

Implementation Guide (January 2016)

Hydraulic Tomography Implementation Guide (April 2014)

IPR Presentation (February 2016)


ER-201213: A Flexible Permeable Reactive Barrier for Protection of Wetland Sediments from Heavy Metals in Runoff Water (Principal Investigator: Steven Larson)

Final Proposal (November 2011)

Treatability Study Plan (January 2012)

Response to Comments on Treatability Study Plan (January 2012)

IPR Comments (November 2013)

Demonstration Plan (September 2014)

Response to Comments on Demonstration Plan (September 2014)

Presentation Animation

IPR Presentation (November 2014)


IPR Presentation (May 2016)

ER-201214: Demonstration of Fluorescent Magnetic Particles for Linking Sources to Sediments at DoD Sites (Principal Investigator: Jim Leather)

Final Proposal (August 2011)

IPR Comments (November 2013)

White Paper - Toxicity of Partrac Particle (January 2014)

Site 1 Demonstration Plan (May 2014)

Site 2 Site Selection Memo (March 2014)

Comments on Site 2 Site Selection Memo (June 2014)

IPR Presentation (November 2014)

ER-201215: Evaluating the Efficacy of Bioaugmentation for In-Situ Treatment of PCB Impacted Sediments (Principal Investigator: Kevin Sowers) 

Final Proposal (November 2011)

Project Overview Presentation (October 2012)

Site Selection Memo (February 2013)

Treatability Study Plan (February 2013)

Comments on SSM and TSP (January 2013)

Response to Comments on SSM and TSP (February 2013)

IPR Comments (February 2014)

Response to IPR Comments (February 2014)

Treatability Study Report (October 2014)

Response to Comments on Treatability Study Report (October 2014)

Demonstration Plan (October 2014)

Response to Comments on Demonstration Plan (October 2014)

IPR Presentation (November 2014)

ER-201216: Sediment Bioavailability Initiative (SBI): Development of Standard Methods and Approaches for the Use of Passive Samplers in Assessment and Management of Contaminated Sediment (Principal Investigator: Charles Menzie)

Final Proposal (April 2012)

Sediment Review Panel Presentation (September 2012)

IPR Comments (November 2013)

Case Study References

White Paper - Path Forward (March 2014)

White Paper - Tech Transfer (March 2014)

Comments on White Paper - Path Forward (July 2014)

Response to Comments on White Paper - Path Forward (October 2014)

Outline for RPM Guide on Use of Passive Samplers (July 2014)

RPM Guide on Use of Passive Samplers - Working Draft (October 2014)

User's Manual (June 2014)

User's Manual - Working Draft (October 2014)

IPR Presentation (November 2014)

ER-201321: Innovative Technology to Sequester Depleted Uranium from Test and Training Range Soil Fines (Principal Investigator: Chris Griggs)

Final Proposal (December 2012)

Treatability Study Plan (October 2013)

IPR Presentation (February 2014)

ER-201322: Demonstration/Validation of More Cost-Effective Methods for Mitigating Radon and VOC Subsurface Vapor Intrusion to Indoor Air (Principal Investigator: Todd McAlary) 

Final Proposal (February 2013)

IPR Comments (February 2014)

Demonstration Plan (July 2014)

Response to Comments on Demonstration Plan (August 2014)

White Paper - Additional Test Methods for Demonstration (August 2014)

Response to Comments on White Paper (August 2014)

Site 2 Site Selection Memo (October 2014)

Site 3 Site Selection Memo (October 2014)

Demonstration Plan Addendum l (July 2015)

Response to Comments on Demonstration Plan Addendum l (August 2015)

White Paper - Response to Fall 2014 IPR Action Item (January 2015)

Response to Comments on White Paper - Response to Fall 2014 IPR Action Item (June 2015)

IPR Presentation (November 2015)

Site 4 Site Selection Memo (October 2016)

IPR Presentation (November 2016)

Demonstration Plan Addendum (April 2016)

ER-201323: A Portable Burn Pan for the Disposal of Excess Propellants (Principal Investigator: Michael Walsh) 

Final Proposal (December 2012)

Response to Comments on Demonstration Plan (November 2013)

Demonstration Plan (November 2013)

Test Report - Prototype Pan (December 2013)

IPR Comments (February 2014)


IPR Presentation (November 2014)


ER-201324: Sustained In Situ Chemical Oxidation (ISCO) of 1,4-Dioxane Using Slow Release Chemical Oxidant Candles (Principal Investigator: Pat Evans)

Final Proposal (November 2012)

Site Selection Memo (August 2013)

IPR Comments (February 2014)

Cost Assessment Template (April 2014)

Treatability Study Report (August 2014)


IPR Presentation (November 2014)


IPR Presentation (March 2016)

ER-201325: Electrokinetic-Enhanced (EK-Enhanced) Amendment Delivery for Remediation of Low Permeability and Heterogeneous Materials (Principal Investigator: Evan Cox) 

Final Proposal (November 2012)

IPR Comments (February 2014)

Demonstration Plan (April 2014)

Response to Comments on Demonstration Plan (April 2014)

IPR Presentation (November 2015)


Fall 2015 IPR Comments

Geosyntec Memo

Response to Fall 2015 IPR Comments

IPR Presentation (November 2016)

ER-201326: 1,4-Dioxane Remediation by Extreme Soil Vapor Extraction (XSVE) (Principal Investigator: Dave Burris)  

Final Proposal (November 2012)

Demonstration Plan (May 2014)

Comments on Demonstration Plan

IPR Comments (July 2014)

IPR Presentation (July 2014)

White Paper - Additional Funds (August 2014)

IPR Presentation (February 2015)

IPR Presentation (March 2016)

ER-201327: Demonstration and Validation of a Portable Raman Sensor for In Situ Detection and Monitoring of Perchlorate (ClO4-) (Principal Investigator: Baohua Gu)

Final Proposal (December 2012)

Site Selection Memo (August 2013)

Demonstration Plan (January 2014)

Response to Comments on Demonstration Plan (March 2014)

IPR Comments (February 2014)

QPR (October 2014)

IPR Presentation (February 2016)

ER-201328: Contaminant Flux Reduction Barriers for Managing Difficult-to-Treat Source Zones in Unconsolidated Media (Principal Investigator: Chuck Newell) 

Final Proposal (March 2013)

IPR Comments (February 2014)

Treat-ability Study Report (August 2014)

Schedule Request Memo (August 2014)

Demonstration Plan (November 2014)

Response to Comments on Demonstration Plan (January 2015)

Phase l Revision for Field Demonstration (April 2015)

IPR Presentation (November 2015)

ER-201329: Optimal Incremental Sampling Methods: Tools for Mean Estimation & Spatial Delineation (Principal Investigator: John Hathaway) 

Final Proposal (December 2012)

Demonstration Plan (July 2013)

Response to Comments on Demonstration Plan (September 2013)

White Paper - DU Constituent Simulator Method and Results (May 2014)

Response to Comments on DU White Paper (May 2014)

White Paper - Explosive Particles Scope of Additional Work (May 2014)

White Paper - GPS Integration Scope of Additional Work (May 2014)

Phase III Demonstration Plan (August 2014)

IPR Comments (February 2014)

IPR Presentation (November 2014)

ER-201330: Rapid Assessment of Remedial Effectiveness and Rebound in Fractured Bedrock (Principal Investigator: Charles Schaefer)

Final Proposal (December 2012)

Project QPRs

IPR Comments (February 2014)

Site Selection Memo (October 2013)

Treatability Study Plan (November 2013)

Treatability Study Report Addendum (April 2015)

Treatability Study Report (July 2014)

Response to Comments on Treatability Study Report (July 2014)

Demonstration Plan (October 2014)

Response to Comments on Demonstration Plan (October 2014)

IPR Presentation (November 2015)

IPR Report (February 2017)

IPR Presentation (February 2017)

ER-201331: Natural Attenuation and Biostimulation for In Situ Treatment of 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) (Principal Investigator: Paul Koster van Groos)

Final Proposal (December 2012)

Site Selection Memo (November 2013)

Treatability Study Report (October 2015)

IPR Comments (February 2014)

IPR Presentation (November 2015)


Demonstration Plan (December 2015)

IPR Presentation (November 2016)

IPR Presentation (November 2017)

IPR Report (November 2017)

ER-201368: Demonstration and Validation of Enhanced Monitored Natural Recovery at DoD Sites (Principal Investigator: Bart Chadwick)

Final Proposal (November 2007)

Demonstration Plan (September 2013)

Response to Comments on Demonstration Plan (April 2014)

IPR Presentation (November 2015)

ER-201425: Validation of Biotechnology for Quantifying the Abundance and Activity of Vinyl-chloride Oxidizers in Contaminated Groundwater (Principal Investigator: Tim Mattes)

Final Proposal (August 2013)

White Paper - Response to IPR Action Item (Winter 2015)

Demonstration Plan (September 2015)

Response to Comments on Demonstration Plan (September 2015)

IPR Presentation (November 2015)

IPR Presentation (May 2016)

ER-201426: A Practical Approach for Modeling Matrix Diffusion Effects in REMChlor (Principal Investigator: Ron Falta)

Final Proposal (January 2014)

Technology Transfer Plan (May 2015)

IPR Presentation (November 2015)

IPR Presentation (November 2016)

ER-201427: Performance Assessment of Past Bioremediation Approaches for Chlorinated Solvent Source Zones (Principal Investigator: Paul Hatzinger)

Revised Proposal (December 2013)

Site Selection Memo (July 2015)

Demonstration Plan (June 2016)

IPR Report (February 2017)

IPR Presentation (February 2016)

Response to Comments (February 2017)

IPR Presentation (February 2017)

ER-201428: Long-Term Performance Assessment of a Highly Characterized and Instrumented DNAPL Source Area Following Bioaugmentation (Principal Investigator: Charles Schaefer)

Revised Proposal (December 2013)

Demonstration Plan (January 2015)

IPR Report (February 2017)

IPR Presentation (February 2016)

IPR Presentation (February 2017)

ER-201429: Performance of Two Technologies to Control Difficult-to-Treat Matrix Diffusion Zones: Post-Bioremediation Sustained Treatment and MNA in Low Permeability Units (Principal Investigator: Travis McGuire)

Final Proposal (December 2013)

Site Selection Memo

Demonstration Plan - Biowall Site (May 2015)

Response to Comments on Demonstration Plan - Biowall Site (May 2015)

Demonstration Plan - Other Sites (October 2015)

Technology Transfer Plan (May 2015)

IPR Presentation (November 2015)

Site Selection Memo - Post ISB Sites (August 2015)

IPR Presentation (November 2016)

Budget Status Memo (November 2016)

ER-201430: A Rigorous Demonstration of Environmental Fracturing in Low Permeability Media (Principal Investigator: Kent Sorenson)

Final Proposal (December 2013)

Site Selection Memo (February 2015)

Funding Options

Demonstration Plan (October 2015)

IPR Presentation (February 2016)

Memo Schedule (June 2016)

IPR Presentation (November 2016)

ER-201431: Integrative Passive Sampler-Food Web Modeling Framework for Monitoring Remedy Effectiveness (Principal Investigator: Phil Gschwend)

Final Proposal (December 2013)

Project QPRs

Demonstration Plan (September 2015)

IPR Presentation (November 2015)

ER-201432: Demonstration of New Tools for Improved Source and Recontamination Potential Assessment (Principal Investigator: Bart Chadwick)

Final Proposal (December 2013)

IPR Presentation (November 2014)


ER-201433: Validation of Passive Sampling Devices for Monitoring of Munitions Constituents in Underwater Environments (Principal Investigator: Gunther Rosen)

Final Proposal (December 2013)

Controlled Field Validation Summary Report (January 2015)

Demonstration Plan (September 2015)

Response to Comments on Demonstration Plan (September 2015)

IPR Presentation (November 2015)

ER-201434: Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor (AnMBR) for Sustainable Wastewater Treatment (Principal Investigator: Pat Evans)

Final Proposal (December 2013)

Demonstration Plan (November 2015)

IPR Presentation (November 2015)


Demonstration Plan V4 (May 2016)

Response to Comments on November 2015 Dem Plan (May 2016)

Wastewater IPR Presentation (Dec 2016)

IPR Presentation (November 2017)

IPR Report (November 2017)

ER-201435: Field Demonstration and Validation of the Training Range Environmental Evaluation and Characterization System (TREECS) and Environmental Fate Simulator (EFS) for the Risk Assessment of Contaminants on DoD Ranges (Principal Investigator: Billy Johnson)

Final Proposal (December 2013)

Demonstration Plan (December 2015)

Site Selection Memo (August 2015)

IPR Presentation (February 2016)


ER-201436: Phytoremediation of Explosives from Contaminated Soil by Transgenic Grass (Principal Investigator: Neil Bruce)

Final Proposal (January 2014)

IPR Presentation (November 2015)

Demonstration Plan (September 2015)

Response to Comments on Demonstration Plan (September 2015)

Response to Demonstration Plan (September 2015)

IPR Presentation (November 2016)

IPR Presentation (November 2017)

IPR Report (November 2017)

ER-201501: The VI Diagnosis Toolkit for Assessing Vapor Intrusion Pathways and Impacts in Neighborhoods overlying Dissolved Chlorinated Solvent Plumes (Principal Investigator: Paul Johnson)

Final Proposal (December 2014)

Site Selection Memo (January 2016)

IPR Presentation (February 2016)

Demonstration Plan (January 2016)

IPR Presentation (November 2016)

IPR Presentation (November 2017)

IPR Report (November 2017)

ER-201502: Tools for Understanding Transients in Vapor Intrusion (Principal Investigator: Eric Suuberg)

Final Proposal (December 2014)

IPR Presentation (February 2016)

Demonstration Plan (June 2016)

IPR Presentation (November 2016)

Demonstration Plan (October 2017)

Revised Proposal (December 2014)

IPR Presentation (November 2017)

IPR Report (November 2017)

ER-201503: Mass Flux Characterization for Vapor Intrusion Assessment (Principal Investigator: Helen Dawson)

Final Proposal (December 2014)

IPR Presentation (February 2016)

Site Selection Memo - Industrial Site 1

Draft Response to Comments on Demonstration Report (October 2017)

IPR Presentation (November 2016)

Site I Selection Memo (December 2015)

Site II Selection Memo (October 2016)

IPR Presentation (November 2017)

IPR Report (November 2017)

Demonstration Plan Site II (April 2017)

Demonstration Plan Site I Comments (November 2017)

Demonstration Plan Site II Response to Comments (April 2017)

ER-201504: Demonstration of a Long-Term Sampling and Novel Analysis Approach for Distinguishing Sources of Volatile Organic Compounds in Indoor Air (Principal Investigator: Alan Rossner)

Final Proposal (December 2014) 

\IPR Presentation (February 2016)

IPR Presentation (November 2016)

Demonstration Plan (September 2016)

Ground Water Vapor Study Video (254 MB)

User's Guide (October 2016)

Demonstration Plan Comments (August 2016)

Site Selection Memo (July 2016)

Demonstration Plan (August 2016)

IPR Report (May 2017)

IPR Presentation (May 2017)

ER-201505: Sewers and Utility Tunnels as Preferential Pathways for Volatile Organic Compound Migration Into Buildings: Risk Factors and Investigation Protocol (Principal Investigator: Thomas McHugh)

Final Proposal (December 2014)

IPR Presentation (February 2016)

Draft Demonstration Plan (December 2015)

Demonstration Plan Version 2

IPR Presentation (November 2016)

Demo Plan Version 2 - Response to Comments

Demonstration Plan (February 2017)

Response to Comments on Demonstration Plan (April 2016)

IPR Presentation (November 2017)

IPR Report (November 2017)

ER-201566-T2: Interactive Training System for Reductions in Cost and Complexity of Remediation and Long-term Management of Contaminated Sites (Principal Investigator: David Reynolds)

Final Proposal (July 2015)

Initial Presentation

IPR Presentation (July 2016)

ER-201567-T2: T2 Geophysics: A Technology Transfer Program for Facilitating Effective Use of Geophysics for Environmental Characterization and Monitoring at DoD Sites (Principal Investigator: Lee Slater)

Final Proposal (July 2015)

Initial Presentation

IPR Presentation (July 2016)

ER-201569-T2: ER Wiki for Enhanced Transfer SERDP/ESTCP Research to Users (Principal Investigator: Robert Borden)

Final Proposal (July 2015)

Initial Presentation

Proposed Wiki Article Titles

IPR Presentation (July 2016)

ER Wiki

ER-201570-T2: Contaminant Flux and Fate in Fractured Bedrock (Principal Investigator: Charles Schaefer)

Final Proposal (July 2015)

Initial Presentation

IPR Presentation (July 2016)

ER-201571-T2: A Web-based Repository for Energetics Contamination on Military Training Ranges (Principal Investigator: Susan Taylor)

Final Proposal (July 2015)

Initial Presentation

IPR Presentation (July 2016)

ER-201572-T2: Delivering Improved Understanding of Attenuation Processes Using a Massive Open Online Course (Principal Investigator: Pedro Alvarez)

Original Proposal (May 2015)

Initial Presentation

Project Selection Memo

IPR Report (February 2017)

IPR Presentation (July 2016)

IPR Presentation (February 2017)

ER-201574-T2: Catalyzing Rapid Information Transfer Among Key Stakeholders on Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances at Contaminated Military Sites (Principal Investigator: Jennifer Field)

Final Proposal (July 2015)

Initial Presentation

IPR Presentation (August 2016)

On-Site Workshop 1 Flyer (July 2016)

ER-201575-T2: Expanding the Impact of SERDP/ESTCP Projects with On-Demand, End-User Focused, Internet Micro-Lectures (Principal Investigator: Charles Newell)

Final Proposal (July 2015)

Initial Presentation

IPR Presentation (July 2016)

ER-201579-PR: Demonstrating a Biogeophysics Strategy for Minimally Invasive Post-Remediation Performance Assessment (Principal Investigator: Tim Johnson)

Final Proposal (August 2015)

IPR Presentation (July 2016)

IPR Presentation (November 2017)

IPR Report (November 2017)

ER-201580-PR: Long-term Stability and Efficacy of Historic Activated Carbon Deployments at Diverse Freshwater and Marine Remediation Sites (Principal Investigator: Todd Bridges)

Final Proposal (August 2015)

Demonstration Plan Version 3 (September 2016)

IPR Presentation (July 2016)

IPR Presentation (May 2017)

IPR Report (May 2017)

ER-201581-PR: Post-Remediation Evaluation of EVO Treatment - How Can We Improve Performance? (Principal Investigator: Robert Borden)

Final Proposal (June 2015)

Demonstration Plan Version 2 (April 2016)

IPR Presentation (July 2016)

IPR Presentation (November 2017)

IPR Report (November 2017)

ER-201582-PR: Post-Remediation Performance Assessment at a Petroleum Impacted Site (Principal Investigator: Tim Appleman)

Final Proposal (August 2015)

Demonstration Plan Version 2 (May 2016)

IPR Presentation (July 2016)

ER-201583-PR: Flux-based Assessment of Post-Remedial Performance (Principal Investigator: Mark Newman)

Final Proposal (August 2015)

Draft Demonstration Plan (May 2016)

IPR Presentation (July 2016)

ER-201584-PR: Providing Additional Support for MNA by Including Quantitative Lines of Evidence for Abiotic Degradation and Co-metabolic Oxidation of Chlorinated Ethylenes (Principal Investigator: Todd Wiedemeier)

Final Proposal (August 2015)

Draft Demonstration Plan (Feb 2016)

IPR Presentation (July 2016)

IPR Presentation (November 2017)

Cost and Performance Report (February 2017)

Final Report (September 2017)

IPR Report (November 2017)

ER-201585-PR: Assessing the Long-term Performance and Impacts of ISCO and ISBR Remediation Technologies (Principal Investigator: Mark Brusseau)

Final Proposal (August 2015)

Draft Demonstration Plan (April 2016)

IPR Presentation (July 2016)

IPR Presentation (November 2017)

Demonstration Plan (February 2017)

Response to Comments on Demonstration Plan (February 2017)

IPR Report (November 2017)

ER-201586-PR: Verification Monitoring and Stability Assessment of In-situ Stabilized Range Metals (Principal Investigator: Michelle Wynter)

Final Proposal (August 2015)

Demonstration Plan Version 2 (May 2016)

IPR Presentation (July 2016)

ER-201587-PR: Evaluating Long-term Impacts of Soil-Mixing Source-Zone Treatment using Cryogenic Core Collection (Principal Investigator: Wilson Clayton)

Final Proposal (August 2015)

Final Demonstration Plan (Jan 2016)

IPR Presentation (July 2016)

ER-201588-PR: Assessment of Post-Remediation Performance of a Biobarrier Oxygen Injection System at an MTBE Contaminated Site (Principal Investigator: Kenda Neil)

Final Proposal (August 2015)

Final Demonstration Plan (Feb 2016)

IPR Presentation (July 2016)

IPR Presentation (November 2017)

IPR Report (November 2017)

ER-201589-PR: Analysis of Long-term Performance of Zero-Valent Iron Applications (Principal Investigator: Kyle Kirchner)

Final Proposal (August 2015)

Draft Demonstration Plan (Feb 2016)

IPR Presentation (July 2016)

IPR Presentation (November 2017)

Site Evaluation Findings Report

Final Report (October 2017)

IPR Report (November 2017)

ER-201626 : Electrokinetically-Delivered, Thermally-Activated Persulfate Oxidation (EK-TAP) for the Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds in Heterogeneous and Low Permeability Source Zones (Principal Investigator: Evan Cox)

Final Proposal (December 2015)

IPR Presentation (May 2017)

IPR Report (May 2017)

ER-201627 : New Application Of Pre-Fabricated Vertical Drains To Remediate Low-Permeability Contaminated Media (Principal Investigator: Stephen Richardson)

Final Proposal (December 2015)

Revised Proposal (December 2015)

IPR Report (February 2017)

Site Selection Memo (November 2016)

IPR Presentation (February 2017)

Demonstration Plan (March 2017)

Demonstration Plan (May 2017)

Demonstration Plan Comments (April 2017)

IPR Report (November 2017)

IPR Presentation -No Videos (November 2017)

IPR Presentation (November 2017)

ER-201628: Verification Monitoring for In Situ Chemical Reduction Using Zero-Valent Zinc: A Novel Technology for Remediation of Chlorinated Alkanes (Principal Investigator: Rula Deeb)

Final Proposal (December 2015)

IPR Presentation (November 2017)

Demonstration Plan (April 2017)

IPR Report (November 2017)

ER-201629: Evaluation of a Sustainable and Passive Approach to Treat Large, Dilute Chlorinated VOC Groundwater Plumes (Principal Investigator: David Lippincott)

Final Proposal (December 2016)

IPR Presentation (November 2017)

Site Selection Memo (June 2017)

Treatability Study Plan (July 2017)

IPR Report (November 2017)

ER-201630 : Evaluation of FLUTe FACT as a Screening Technology for VOC Distribution in Fractured Rock Boreholes (Principal Investigator: Beth Parker)

Revised Proposal (December 2015)

IPR Presentation (February 2017)

IPR Report (February 2017)

Site Selection Memo (April 2017)

Demonstration Plan (July 2017)

IPR Presentation (November 2017)

IPR Report (November 2017)

ER-201631: Demonstration and Validation of the Horizontal Reactive Media Treatment (HRX) Well for Managing Contaminant Plumes in Complex Geological Environments (Principal Investigator: Craig Divine)

Final Proposal (December 2015)

Site Characterization Work Plan Figures

Site Selection Memo (December 2016)

Treatability Study Plan (February 2017)

Site Characterization Work Plan (April 2017)

IPR Presentation (May 2017)

IPR Report (May 2017)

Demonstration Plan (March 2016)

ER-201632: Reactive Gas Process for In Situ Treatment of 1,2,3-Trichloropropane in Vadose Zone Soils (Principal Investigator: Paul Hatzinger)

Final Proposal (December 2015)

IPR Presentation (May 2017)

IPR Report (May 2017)

ER-201633: Characterization of the Nature and Extent of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs) in Environmental Media at DoD Sites for Informed Decision-Making (Principal Inverstigator: John Kornuc)

Final Proposal (December 2015)

IPR Report (February 2017)

IPR Presentation (February 2017)

Demonstration Plan (December 2016)

Demonstration Plan Comments (December 2016)

Demonstration Plan (March 2017)

Demonstration Plan Comments (March 2017)

IPR Presentation (November 2017)

IPR Report (November 2017)

ER-201634: Hybrid Low Impact Development/Best Management Practices for DoD Industrial Site Storm Water Runoff (Principal Investigator: Gary Anguiano)

Revised Proposal (December 2015)

IPR Presentation (February 2017)

IPR Report (February 2017)

ER-201635: Hybrid Microbial Fuel Cell-Biofiltration System for Energy-Neutral Wastewater Treatment (Principal Investigator: Don Cropek)

Final Proposal (December 2015)

Wastewater IPR Presentation (Dec 2016)

IPR Presentation (May 2017)

Cathode Test and Evaluation Procedure (May 2017)

IPR Report (May 2017)

Draft Comments on Cathode Testing Protocol (May 2017)

ER-201636: Distributed System for Efficient Recovery of Wastewater and Waste Heat (Principal Investigator: Christopher Griggs)

Revised Proposal (December 2015)

Wastewater IPR Presentation (Dec 2016

IPR Report (May 2017)

IPR Presentation (May 2017)

ER-201637 Low Energy Chemical Treatment for Graywater Reuse: Mitigating Disinfection Byproducts and Recovering Cathodically Generated Hydrogen for Energy (Principal Investigator: David Gent)

Final Proposal (January 2016)

Wastewater IPR Presentation (Dec 2016)

Treatability Study Plan (March 2017)

Site Selection Memo (January 2017)

IPR Presentation (May 2017)

IPR Report (May 2017)

ER-201638: Advance Remediation - Field Installation of Iron Bioreactors to Degrade Explosives in Surface Waters (Principal Investigator: Heather Smith)

Final Proposal (January 2016)

IPR Presentation (February 2017)

IPR Report (February 2017)

Laboratory Study Plan (December 2016)

ER-201639: Application of an In Situ PCB Removal Technique for Contaminated Sediments (Principal Investigator: Joey Trotsky)

Revised Proposal (December 2015)

IPR Report (February 2017)

Comments/Responses (October 2016)

IPR Presentation (February 2017)

Laboratory Study Plan (January 2017)

ER-201728: Distributed Low-Energy Wastewater Treatment (D-LEWT) for Fuel Generation and Water Reuse (Principal Investigator: Kathryn Guy)

Wastewater IPR Presentation (Dec 2016)